#HELPnowUA | Alliance for Public Health


EATG supports the #HELPnowUA service Facebook


Ukrainian non-governmental, regional and international organisations, in cooperation with government agencies in Ukraine, organised this emergency service to help people from Ukraine with access to treatment for HIV, TB, hepatitis and OAT in Ukraine and around the world.


Alliance for Public Health (APH) is a substantial partner of EATG and is a leading NGO in Ukraine providing HIV, TB and Viral Hepatitis prevention, treatment and support services to more than 300,000 people of key populations on the daily basis. In times of the Russian invasion which causes interruption of life-saving treatments, lack of access to basic needs and massive migration of communities between the regions of Ukraine and to other countries, APH has urgently opened special donation accounts and is coordinating HELPnowUA emergency mechanism to support Ukrainian communities in need and those who usually left behind.


Situation Reporting by Alliance for Public Health in Ukrainian and English:


#1 (UKR) | #1 (ENG)
#2 (UKR) | #2 (ENG)
#3 (UKR) | #3 (ENG)
#4 (UKR) | #4 (ENG)
#5 (UKR) | #5 (ENG)
#6 (UKR) | #6 (ENG)
#7 (UKR) | #7 (ENG)
#8 (UKR) | #8 (ENG)
#9 (UKR) | #9 (ENG)
World AIDS Day 2022 situation report: (UKR) | (ENG)

Please consider making a donation via bank to support their targeted efforts.


Details for donations


Other organisations and initiatives in support of people living with and/or affected by HIV in Ukraine  (direct links)


Ukrainian Network of People Living with HIV (Network 100% LIFE):  https://network.org.ua/ru/100-life-has-launched-collection-of-humanitarian-aid-for-patients-and-health-professionals/ 


Ukrainian Network of People who Use Drugs (PUD.UA / VOLNA): https://www.facebook.com/PUD.Ukraine/posts/1126521198145676 

(Alternatively, support can be sent directly to Oleg Dymarestkii (Director of the Network) via Western Union. But if you use this way, please send to olegdumar@gmail.com

the number of the transfer; 

the country from where transfer has been sent; 

the name of the sender;

the currency of the transfer; 

the amount of the transfer.)


Ukrainian Network of Women who Use Drugs (UNWUD): https://www.facebook.com/UNWUD/posts/7172914236115203 


National Sex Workers Network – Legalife-Ukraine: https://legalifeukraine.com/en/news-en/the-world-supports-us-thank-you-27210/ 

Crowdfunding Facebook | Twitter


Ukrainian National organisation of the Men having Sex with Men and other Gay Men ‘Alliance.Global’: http://ga.net.ua/en/donate-2/ 

(For donations specifically for Shelters for LGBTQI+ please see here


Ukrainian National organisation of Transgender People ‘Cohort’: https://cohort.com.ua/donati/ 


Philea: Key partners from the European philanthropy sector launch ‘Philanthropy for Ukraine’ & ‘NGOs for Ukraine’ online portals : https://philea.eu/press-release-key-partners-from-the-european-philanthropy-sector-launch-philanthropy-for-ukraine-ngos-for-ukraine-online-portals/ 


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