HIV Voices for Transformation | HIV in prison –Webinar

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What is ‘HIV Voices for Transformation’?

We aim to create a space where all voices are welcome to tell their HIV story. A crucible that people with lived experience as well as people working in the field will utilise to tell their stories and share resources. A common space for reflection and a springboard for transformation of how we think about HIV and how we mobilise our creativity and intellect to respond to it.


HIV Voices for Transformation | HIV in prison

5 February 2025 | 13:00-14:00 CET

online at Zoom by registration

Register here


In this webinar, we will discuss the experience of living with HIV in prison and how we can effect meaningful change in the lives of people living with HIV in closed settings.


The webinar is chaired by Prof. Matthew Weait. Wayne Baker will share his lived experience of living with HIV in prison. This story will be followed by interventions from Pank Sethi and Prof. Matthew Weait. The presentations will be followed by a Q&A.



13:00-13:05Welcome and IntroductionProf. Matthew Weait, University of Oxford

Dr. Nicoletta Policek, EATG

13:05-13:20My voice, my story: HIV in PrisonWayne Baker
13:20-13:30Transformation through artPank Sethi, Positive East
13:30-13:40Transformation through scholar activismProf. Matthew Weait, University of Oxford
13:40-14:00Q&A and ConclusionProf. Matthew Weait, University of Oxford

Dr. Nicoletta Policek, EATG


Co-organised by
European AIDS Treatment Group (EATG)
University of Oxford – Department for Continuing Education

Practical Information

  • HIV Voices for Transformation | HIV in prison: 5 February 2025 | 13:00-14:00 CET
    online at Zoom by registration

    Co-organised by
    European AIDS Treatment Group (EATG)
    University of Oxford – Department for Continuing Education

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