EU Civil Society Forum on HIV, TB and Viral Hepatitis

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Since its creation in 2005, the EU Civil Society Forum on HIV/AIDS and since 2017, the EU Civil Society Forum on HIV, viral hepatitis and tuberculosis (CSF), has been instrumental in providing and sharing critical information and evidence, in undertaking joint actions and creating synergies between its members. These activities have advanced policies and interventions improving the health and well-being of communities that are most affected by HIV, viral hepatitis and tuberculosis.



The CSF is a body originally supported by the European Commission DG SANTE to facilitate the involvement of civil society in policy development and programme implementation. It seeks to provide a platform for mutual learning and strategic thinking to improve policies and their implementation; to strengthen advocacy for the rights of key communities living or affected by these infections; to contribute to the empowerment of community groups.


With whom?

Until 2019, the CSF was hosted at the EC Health directorate, which selected members, financed and facilitated bi-annual face-to-face meetings. In September 2019, the European Commission decided to close down the CSF as an expert group along with the EU Think Tank on HIV, viral hepatitis and tuberculosis, which brought together government representatives and health agencies.

In July 2020, the CSF coordination team re-launched the group via a call for applications, with an updated structure, operating mode and agenda to advance policies improving the health and well-being of the communities that its members serve. It will continue to work closely with the European Commission. Its members are not-for-profit organisations that are based in the WHO European region and whose main activities are related to the prevention, outreach and awareness raising, health support services, community services and/or other similar activities aimed at reducing the transmission or improving the quality of life of people living with HIV/AIDS, viral hepatitis (B and/or C) and/or tuberculosis are called to apply.



EATG is one of the members of the CSF transition coordination team and EATG is supporting the secretariat functions.


EATG contact person(s):
Duration of the initiative:July 2020 – ongoing
Coordination:Correlation, Eurasian Harm Reduction Association, European AIDS Treatment Group, AIDS Action Europe, TB Europe Coalition/Global Health Advocates (transition coordination team)
Main Partner(s):61 NGOs, 2 Parliamentarian Networks: UNITE, Global TB Caucus European Commission Agencies: ECDC, EMCDDA, UNAIDS, WHO
Main Funding Sources:Secretariat work funded by AAE via operating grant from EC



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