EACS 2023: Community Corner

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This year at the 19th EACS conference community representatives along with doctors and young investigators were invited to share their stories at the Community Corner.

The programme kicks off in the morning with motivational power talks. The floor is open to everyone.

Then, at 13.15, we are sharing stories Pecha Kucha style. Following last edition’s successful programme, we host six new stories from local and European activists and doctors. Over two days, we invite you to follow their stories live and interact during the Q&A.

The first day of Community Corner activities will close with a discussion on WHO’s Zero Risk document.


Preliminary Programme

Thursday 19 October 2023

| 10.05 – 10.40

Morning motivational discussion on a theme, initiated by a 5-minute intro from local activists. The floor is open to all!

Theme: My best moment living with HIV

Speaker: Grzegorz Jezierski (Social AIDS Committee, Coordinator of Community Support Program – Poland)


| 13.15 – 14.00

Pecha Kucha presentations

13.15  ‘Urugendo: An HIV Journey’ by Eliane Nininahazwe (HIV Stigma Fighter – The Netherlands)

13.25 ‘Close co-operation between community and medical outpatient clinics as a way to build trust and friendly attitudes’ by Bartosz Szetela (All Saints Clinic, Wroclaw; Wroclaw Medical Univeristy, MD, treasurer – Poland)

13.35 ‘LGBT migrant sex workers in Europe’ by Julia Rosales (ESWA, Board member  – The Netherlands)

13.45 Q & A with all presenters

Moderated by Harriet Langanke (EATG)


| 15.20 – 15.50

What does WHO’s Zero Risk document mean for the community and people living with HIV?

How can we advocate locally based on the document? We discuss what can be done to disseminate the document and mobilise all relevant authorities at the local level.

Speaker: Arda Karapinar (Prevention Access Campaign)


Friday 20 October 2023

| 10.05 – 10.40

Morning motivational discussion on a theme, initiated by a 5-minute intro from local activists. The floor is open to all!

Theme: My campaign is better than yours

Speakers: Paweł Kalinowski (Unite “Positive in the Rainbow”, ‘DQ+’), Grzegorz Jezierski (Social AIDS Committee, ‘Buddy Polska’), Agnieszka Świderska (Foundation for Social Education (FES), ‘Non-medical outreach testing and self-testing campaign’)


| 13.15 – 14.00

Pecha Kucha presentations

13.15 ‘My Positive Life’ by Paweł Kalinowski (Unite “Positive in the Rainbow”, Board representative – Poland)

13.25 ‘Clinician’s perspective’ by Maria Mazzitelli (Infectious and Tropical Diseases Unit, Padua University Hospital, Clinician – Italy)

13.35 ‘A recipe for disaster -North Praga case: how laws, lack of political will and bad social policies put health and lives at risk’ by Magdalena Bartnik (PREKURSOR Foundation, Executive Director – Poland)

13.45 Q & A with all presenters

Moderated by Magdalena Ankiersztejn-Bartczak (EATG)


Click here for the official EACS 2023 Community Corner page






Practical Information

  • EACS 2023: Community Corner: This programme takes place onsite EACS conference at the open space of the Community Corner (Exhibition area).

    It is open to all EACS 2023 delegates and visitors.

    Prądzyńskiego 12/14
    01-222 Warszaw

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