EU4Health Civil Society Alliance: Concerns Over EU4Health Cuts – Letter to Prime Minister De Croo and Health Minister Vandenbroucke

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EATG endorses this letter by the EU4Health Civil Society Alliance calling for a reverse to a shocking draft decision redeploying 1 billion euros from the EU4Health programme to other EU policies.

The EU4Health Civil Society Alliance has written an open letter to Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo and Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Health Frank Vandenbroucke ahead of the EUCO meeting on Thursday, calling for them to reverse a shocking draft decision redeploying 1 billion euros from the EU4Health programme (20% of the programme) to other EU policies in the current MFF.  

The recent crises that the EU has faced – including the COVID-19 pandemic as well as the ongoing response to the war in Ukraine and the associated health needs of refugees and EU citizens alike– have taught us that the redeployment of a large amount of funds within the MFF to respond to current priorities must not undermine the efforts to build and maintain EU public health capacity. 

Public health is a clear priority of the Belgian Presidency. This disproportionate cut would have a significant negative impact for the future of EU health policy and the health of EU citizens.  


Read the letter


Source : EPHA

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