On the 11th of May 2023, the Thematic Network on HIV, TB, viral hepatitis and STIs of the EU Health Policy Platform released a Joint Statement which aims to bring attention to stakeholder priorities in EU policy and lead to follow-up actions.
On the 11th of May, the Thematic Network on HIV, TB, viral hepatitis and STIs of the EU Health Policy Platform released a Joint Statement which aims to bring attention to stakeholder priorities in EU policy and lead to follow-up actions.
Led in collaboration with the EU Civil Society Forum on HIV/AIDS, viral hepatitis and TB, which brings together over 60 partner organisations working with these conditions, the EUHPP Thematic Network aims to facilitate the participation of non-governmental organisations, including those representing people living with HIV/AIDS, in policy development and implementation, and in information exchange.
The Statement draws attention to gaps in meeting the needs of people living with or most affected by HIV/AIDS, viral hepatitis and tuberculosis in the EU and the European region and provides examples of, and recommendations for, good practices in standards of care (including cross-border care) and in tackling the stigma and discrimination faced by various key populations.
You can download and read the statement here.
You can find the key points of the statement here below:
1.2. The HIV, TB and Viral hepatitis health gaps
The Global AIDS Strategy 2021-2026 and the World Health Organization (WHO) call for renewed focus on viral hepatitis, HIV and TB epidemics within the European Region. As inequalities drive the HIV/AIDS epidemic, ensuring that disadvantaged people can access HIV services is crucial to meeting these targets.
The European region is diverse in terms of epidemiological burden, countries in eastern Europe and central Asia face high burdens of viral hepatitis, HIV and TB.
The 2022-2030 WHO Europe strategy on HIV and viral hepatitis draws attention to the region being off track to meet the 2030 95/95/95 target for HIV. This implies that 85.7% of people with HIV know their status and are virally suppressed. As of 2020, only 60% did.
Dealing with infections and dealing with cancers intertwines. For viral hepatitis, out of 14 million people with chronic hepatitis B and 13 million with hepatitis C, only 19% and 24% respectively know their status. In 2020, 90,000 deaths from liver cancer (out of a total of 107,000 liver related deaths) were recorded in Europe. This signals the scale up hepatitis B vaccination and improving screening and treatment access for both conditions.
The number of people with tuberculosis who are co-infected with HIV is still increasing. TB accounts for about 70,000 deaths a year regionally. The TB plan calls for a decrease relative to 2020 of TB mortality of 65% by 2025, a reduction in TB incidence by 50%, and an increase in successfully treated MDR-TB of 80%.
The EU member states are committed to work towards the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. The European Commission supports member states to achieve them. While countries are responsible for their health system, the EU has policies and financial and technical support tools to complement member states’ actions and to support cooperation across countries.
2.1. Improving standards of care and their delivery
The great variation in the quality of and access to care delivered by clinics in Europe needs to be addressed. Prevention and treatment approaches need to evolve to meet the needs of populations at risk and patients in a climate of financial limitation.
Good practices and recommendations:
2.2. Cross-border care and access gaps for displaced persons, refugees, and other migrants in precarious situations
It is critical to ensure continuity of care for all people displaced access testing, prevention, treatment, and care. Ukraine has a high burden of HIV, TB, multi-drug resistant TB and viral hepatitis and the largest opioid agonist treatment programme in Eastern Europe. For instance, 89.1% of Ukranian refugees who entered care in Poland initiated anti-retroviral treatment in Ukraine, 10.9% were diagnosed in Poland (underreported) and almost 10% reported previous tuberculosis infection.
Good practices and recommendations:
3.1. HIV-related Stigma and discrimination
The ECDC recently presented their first community survey of stigma among people with HIV (the full report is here), the headline findings of the survey are:
3.2. Stigma and discrimination of key populations
Good Practices and recommendations:
3.3. Stigma and discrimination faced by People who use drugs
Good Practices and recommendations:
3.4. Stigma and discrimination faced by LGBTQI+
Good Practice and recommendation:
3.5. Stigma and discrimination faced by Migrants
Good Practices and recommendations:
3.6. Criminalisation of People Living with HIV
Good Practices and recommendations:
3.7. Working in partnership to achieve zero discrimination
List of Endorsing Organisations
Action against AIDS (Aktionsbündnis gegen AIDS)
Africa Advocacy Foundation (Mi Health Europe)
AIDS Action Europe
Alliance for Public Health
Association SKUC Center Women and Modern World (CWMW)
Charitable Fund “Hope and Trust”
Charitable Foundation “Second Life”
Correlation-European Harm Reduction
Network Czech AIDS Help
Deutsche Aidshilfe
Digestive Cancers Europe
European AIDS Clinical Society (EACS)
European AIDS Treatment Group (EATG)
European Forum for Primary Care
European Sex Workers’ Rights Alliance (ESWA)
Fundação Portuguesa “A Comunidade Contra a Sida”
Grupo de Ativistas em Tratamentos (GAT)
Harm Reduction
Háttér Society
HIV Justice Network
HIV stigmafighter
Life Quality Improvement Organisation (FLIGHT)
Eurasian harm reduction association (EHRA)
Metzineres (SCCL)
Positiiviset ry
Positive Voice- Greek Association of People Living with HIV
PREKURSOR – Foundation for Social Policy
Romanian Association Against AIDS (ARAS)
Social Charitable Center
Women and Modern World
TB Europe Coalition
The Italian League for Fighting AIDS (LILA)
The Union for Equity and Health
Ukrainian Network of People who Use Drugs (VOLNa)
Ukrainian Network of Women who Use Drugs (UNWUD)
Union Women Center Georgia
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